Strong supplier relationships and effective supplier management are the cornerstones of a successful production process. Our company offers comprehensive supplier management solutions to optimise your supply chain and develop sustainable business partnerships. You can find more information about our services below:

The strong relationships we build with your suppliers enable you to create a continuously developing and growing co-operation network.

1.Supplier Selection and Evaluation

Successful supply chain management depends on working with the right suppliers. In this process, we support you in the following areas:

Supplier Research: Comprehensive research to identify the best suppliers on the market.
Advantage: By working with the most reliable and cost-effective suppliers, you can reduce costs while improving quality.
Evaluation Criteria: Evaluation of suppliers based on criteria such as quality, cost, delivery times and sustainability.
Advantage: Ensuring high performance at every stage of the supply chain by selecting the most suitable suppliers for your needs.
Collaboration Development: Strategic planning to establish long-term and efficient collaborations with selected suppliers.
Advantage: Ensuring stability and continuous improvement in the supply chain by establishing strong and sustainable business relationships.

2. Contract Management

Effective management of contracts with suppliers is essential to control costs and maintain quality standards:

Contract Preparation: Preparation of fair and transparent contracts with suppliers.
Advantage: Creating trust and transparency in business relationships by providing fair terms for both parties.
Risk Management: Analysing and managing the risks involved in contracts.
Advantage: Ensuring business continuity by identifying potential problems in advance and minimising risks.
Contract Monitoring: Regular monitoring and updating of contract terms.
Advantage: Ensuring that the terms of the contract are constantly up to date and quickly adapting to changing conditions.

3. Performance Monitoring and Reporting

Continuous monitoring and evaluation of supplier performance ensures the sustainability of the supply chain:

Performance Indicators: Key performance indicators (KPIs) set to measure the performance of suppliers.
Advantage: Ensuring high quality and on-time delivery by continuously monitoring suppliers' performance.
Reporting Processes: Monitoring supplier efficiency through regular performance reports.
Advantage: Optimise your supply chain and reduce costs with data-driven decisions.
Feedback Mechanisms: Providing performance feedback to suppliers and taking action for necessary improvements.
Advantage: Create continuous improvement opportunities to enhance the performance of your suppliers.

4. Supplier Relations and Communication

Strong communication and co-operation leads to sustainable success in supplier relations:

Regular Meetings: Organise regular meetings and strategic discussions with suppliers.
Advantage: Quickly resolve issues in the supply chain by strengthening relationships.
Collaboration and Innovation: Carrying out joint projects and studies with suppliers to develop innovative solutions.
Advantage: Gaining competitive advantage and standing out in the market by developing innovative solutions.
Problem Solving: Solving problems that may arise in relationships quickly and effectively.
Advantage: Protecting business continuity and preventing possible costs by solving problems quickly.

5. Sustainability and Compliance

Sustainable supply chains also consider environmental and social responsibilities:

Sustainable Suppliers: Co-operating with environmentally responsible and ethical suppliers.
Advantage: Enhance your brand reputation by fulfilling your environmental and social responsibilities.
Compliance Management: Regular audits to ensure that suppliers comply with local and international laws.
Advantage: Ensure smooth operation of the supply chain by minimising legal risks.
Social Responsibility: Protecting fair labour conditions and human rights in the supply chain.
Advantage: Increasing employee loyalty and customer confidence by complying with social responsibility principles.